OAE Screener Machine

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An OAE screener machine is a special device used to check if baby’s hearing is working properly. It does this by making a soft sound and listening for an echo that comes back from the baby’s ears.

The OAE screener is a quick, painless and easy way to check a newborn’s hearing soon after birth. It helps to identify babies who might have difficulties so they can get help and support early. The screening usually only takes a few minutes and can be done while the baby is sleeping or resting quietly. It's an important step in making sure babies can hear properly from the start.

If the machine doesn’t pick up an echo from the baby’s ear, then there might be a hearing problem. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean the baby is deaf – It just means more testing may be needed.


  • The OAE hearing screener helps to identify hearing issues right from birth, allowing for prompt intervention and support.
  • Universal newborn hearing screening ensures that all babies, regardless of risk factors, are checked for hearing problems before leaving the hospital.
  •  The OAE screening process is completely non-invasive and painless for the baby, making it a safe and comfortable way to check hearing.
  • OAE screening provides objective and accurate results.
  • Compared to other hearing tests, OAE screening is relatively inexpensive and can be performed quickly.
  • By detecting hearing loss early, appropriate interventions can be initiated during the critical period.
  • OAE screening provides reassurance to parents about their children's hearing ability.



OAE screener has a small soft probe which inserts into the ear canal to deliver sound and record OAEs.

Stimulus generation

Machine can generate specific sound, such as clicks or tone bursts, to evoke OAEs from the inner ear.


Machine is equipped with sensitive microphones to detect and record the fain OAEs.

Noise reduction

Advanced OAE screeners have noise reduction capabilities to minimize interference from external sounds or noise generated by baby, ensuring accurate measurements.

Portable design

Many OAEs screeners are designed to be portable, light weight and battery operated, allowing easy transportation.

Automated screening

Some OAE screeners offered automated screening modes, this machine can adjust automatically and perform the screening process.

Data Storage and transfer

OAE screener can store data to save test result and patient information.

User-friendly interface

This machine is user-friendly with a clear display and easy control.


Newborn hearing screening – The primary use of OAE hearing screener is universal newborn hearing screening programs. This is used to screen all newborns for potential hearing loss before they leave hospital or within the first weeks of life.

Identification of hearing loss – OAE hearing screener helps to identify infants and young children with their hearing loss. It indicates a hearing problem that requires further evaluation and intervention.

Monitoring hearing function – OAE screeners can be used to monitor changes in cochlear function over time, particularly in individuals at risk of developing hearing loss.

Ototoxicity monitoring – OAE screening can be useful in monitoring potential ototoxic effects of certain medications or treatments.

Research studies – OAE screeners are valuable tool in research studies.

Occupational hearing screening – OAE screening may be used as part of occupational hearing conservation programs to monitor worker’s hearing and identify potential noise-induced hearing loss


  • Many clinics and hospitals have implemented universal newborn hearing screening programs, using OAE screening as a critical component.
  • By knowing at earlier stage of hearing loss can make doctors to initiate appropriate interventions.
  • OAE screening is a relatively cost-effective method for clinics and hospitals to screen large numbers of newborns for hearing problems.
  • OAE screening is a non-invasive and painless procedure, making it safe and comfortable for newborns and infants.
  • In clinics /hospitals, OAE screening can be used to monitor changes in cochlear function over time.
  • Implementing OAE screening programs in clinics and hospitals demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality care and ensuring the best possible outcomes for newborns and infants.


There are two main types of OAE screener

Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) screening

  • It is measured in response to brief acoustic stimuli, typically clicks or tone bursts.
  • The OAE screening machine delivers brief sounds and measures the otoacoustic emission generated by outer hair cells.
  • TEOAE screening is used for newborn hearing screening programs and is effective in detecting cochlear dysfunction.

Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE)Screening

  • DPOAEs are measured in response to two continuous tones of different frequencies. 
  • This OAE screening machine generates two pure tones.
  • This screening can provide frequency-specific information about cochlear function across different regions of the cochlea.
  • This screening is often used for monitoring cochlear function over time.

Both TEOAE and DPOAE screening methods are non-invasive, makes them suitable for newborn.

TEOAE screening is generally faster and more commonly used for universal newborn baby, while DPOAE screening can provide more detailed frequency specific information used in audiology clinics or research settings.

In some cases, both TEOAE and DPOAE screening methods are used in combination to obtain comprehensive information about cochlear function and to cross-check results for increased accuracy.


Preparation – Baby or patient is positioned comfortably, often while sitting on parent’s lap or lying down.

Probe insertion – A small soft probe is gently inserted into the ear canal; this probe contains a speaker to deliver sound and a microphone to record the emissions.

Sound stimuli delivery – OAE testing machine generates specific sound stimuli, such as clicks or tone bursts. These sounds are delivered through the probe into the ear canal.

Otoacoustic emission recording – If the cochlea is functioning normally, outer hair cells with cochlea will respond to the sound stimuli by producing otoacoustic emissions. Microphone in the probe record these sound as they travel back through the ear canal.

Data Analysis – OAE testing machine analyses the recorded data to determine the presence and strength of the otoacoustic emission.

Result – If otoacoustic emissions are present within normal levels, it indicates cochlear function and hearing, if emissions are absent, it suggests a potential hearing loss or cochlear dysfunction.

Repeat Testing – In some cases, repeat test needed, especially if the baby was moving or crying during the initial testing.


  • A small probe like an ear bud is placed just inside the baby’s ear canal.
  • Machine sends a quiet sound through the probe into the baby’s ear.
  • If baby’s hearing is normal, the Inner ear will bounce the sound back, creating a very faint echo.
  • Machine can detect this echo and knows the baby’s hearing is OK.


OAE screener price can be varied depending on the brand, model and specification of the device.

Basic OAE screening device– This is basic device of OAE hearing screener price is around - ₹ 1,50,000 to ₹ 3,00,000.

Advanced screening device-ThisOAE screener price is around ₹ 3,00,000 to ₹ 6,00,000.

Premium OAE screening device – These devices are from reputed brand and can cost from ₹ 6,00,000 to ₹ 10,00,000 or more.

Portable or handheld OAE screening device – This device is compact; battery operated and also have basic TEOAE or DPOAE screening capabilities and cost of this OAE hearing screener priceis around ₹2,00,000 to ₹ 5,00,000.


Cost of OAE screener can vary depending on several factors such as type of healthcare facility and location

Public / government hospitals–The cost in this setting is minimal, ranging from ₹ 100 to ₹ 500 per screening.

Private hospital – Average cost of OAE screening in private hospital is ₹ 500 to ₹ 2000 per screening.

Standalone audiology centres or diagnostic centres – Cost in these centres can range from ₹ 1,000 to ₹ 3,000 per screening.



It is a brand, under Otometrics/Natus, that offers otodynamics Echo port ILO and Otodynamics Echo port plus OAE screening devices.

Maico Diagnostic

It is an American company that offers OAE screening devices such as the Maico ERO-SCAN and Maico ERO-SCAN pro.


It is a German company that produces the Neuro-Audio OAE screener and the Neuro-Audio Echoport ICS screener.


It is a Brazilian company that manufactures the Labat EcoVa screening device.

Intelligent Hearing Systems (HIS)

HIS is a U.S. company that produces the Smart OAE and Smart OAE+ screening devices.

Path Medical

It is a German company that offers the PATH Sentiero advanced and PATH Sentiero desktop OAE screening devices.


Q. What is OAE screener?

Ans. It is a quick and invasive test that measures the response of the inner ear to sound stimuli, and detect potential hearing problems in newborns and infants.

Q. Why is OAE hearing screener important for newborns?

Ans. Early detection of hearing loss is crucial. OAE screening allows the identification of hearing issues before any visible sign or symptoms appear.

Q. Is OAE screenerpainful or uncomfortable for the baby?

Ans. No, OAE screeneris not painful or uncomfortable for the baby.

Q. How long does an OAE hearing screener test take?

Ans. This test is relatively quick, taking only a few minutes per ear.

Q. What do the OAE screenerresults mean?

Ans. It indicates normal cochlear function and hearing.

Q. Is OAE screeneris 100% accurate?

Ans. While OAE screeneris highly accurate, it is not perfect.

Q. Can OAE hearing screener be done at any age?

Ans. OAE hearing screeneris most commonly performed for newborns or infants, but it can also be used to monitor cochlear function in older children and adults.