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A mammogram machine is a special X-ray machine used to take a detailed image of a woman’s breasts. These images are called mammograms, it is used to look for any abnormal area or changes in the breast tissue that could be a sign of breast cancer.

The mammo machine has a flat surface called a paddle that presses against the breast to flatten and spread out the tissue. This allows the x-ray to get a clear image of the entire breast, including the area closest to the chest wall.


  • Mammogram is a special x-ray picture of women’s breasts. This machine uses a very small amount of x-ray radiation to create a detailed image.
  • During, Mammogram, breast placed on a flat surface and gently compressed with a plastic paddle. This flattening is important to get a clear picture and spread out the breast tissue.
  • Once the breast is compressed, the mammogram machine sends a controlled x-ray beam through the breast tissue. X-ray passes through the breast easily in some areas but gets blocked by denser tissue.
  • On the other side of the compress’s breast, there is a special digital detector or x-ray film. This detector captures the x-ray beam that makes it through the breast, creating a detailed image.
  • Areas of dense breast tissue like lumps or tumours appear lighter on the mammogram image because they block more of the x-rays. Fatty tissue appears darker because the x—rays pass through easily.
  • After images are taken, a doctor read mammograms carefully and examines them. They look for any suspicious areas, lumps or calcifications that could indicate breast cancer or other breast health issues.
  • The entire mammography process takes 20–30 minutes. While getting breasts compressed can feel uncomfortable, it is over very quickly.
  • Equipment of mammographyuses a low dose of x-ray, equal to the same amount of radiation exposure you get from natural sources over 7 weeks.
  • Getting regular mammograms is very important for detecting breast cancers early and can be treatable.


Breast cancer screening

The primary use of mammogram machine is to screen for breast cancer in women who have no sign or symptoms. Regular mammograms can detect breast cancers when they are too small to feel or see. Finding cancer at an early stage can be cured earlier.

Diagnostic mammograms

If a lump or abnormality is found during screening, a diagnostic mammogram provides more detailed images to determine if it is beginning or may be cancer.

Evaluating breast lumps

Mammograms help the doctor to know about the size, shape and characteristics of any breast lumps, If they are fluid-filled cysts or solid masses that could be tumors.

Detecting Calcium deposit

Mammograms can show tiny calcium deposits, which may indicate an early breast cancer.

Checking breast implants

For women with breast implants, Mammograms help to detect ruptures or other changes in the implant that needs evaluation.

Monitoring Treatment

Mammograms are used to monitor the breasts during and after treatment to ensure the treatment is working effectively.

Guiding breast biopsies

When a suspicious area is found, mammogram images help to guide the doctor to target the right area for doing a breast biopsy or removing tissue samples.


  • Mammogram machines are extremely important because they can help to find the breast cancer early. Early detection of breast cancer can increase the chances of successful treatment and survival.
  • The main importance of a mammogram is that it can show changes in the breast before any lumps can be felt. Mammography captures detailed x-ray images, which allows doctors to see tiny masses or irregularities in the breast tissue.
  • With the help of this machine, early detection of cancer is possible, and treatments like surgery, radiation or chemotherapy have a much better chance of getting rid of all the cancer cells completely.
  • Mammograms are also important for monitoring women at high risk for breast cancer, such as those with a strong family history or certain genetic mutations. Regular mammograms help catch any early sign quickly.
  • For many women, especially those over age 40, getting yearly mammograms is an essential preventive health measure.


Film mammogram machine

These are traditional mammogram machines that use x-ray film to capture images. This x-ray passes through the compressed breast, creating a physical picture that radiologists can examine.

Digital Mammogram machine

These machines have electronic image detectors that convert the x-rays into digital pictures that can be viewed on a computer monitor. Digital mammogram provides better image quality and makes it easier to manipulate and enhance the images.

3D mammogram machines

These are advanced digital systems that take multiple x-ray images from different angles in an arc around the breast. It allows radiologists to view breast tissue in thin slices almost like 3D reconstruction, making it easier to detect cancer.

Computer-aided detection

Some mammogram machines have CAD software that uses artificial intelligence to help radiologists by highlighting areas of potential concern on the images, though the final analysis is still done by the doctor.

Mobile Mammogram machines

These are compact, truck-mounted digital mammography systems that can travel to different clinics or communities to provide breast cancer screening services.

Stereotactic mammogram machines

This specialized equipment is used when a biopsy is needed after a screening mammogram finds an abnormality. Stereotactic image locates and guides the biopsy needle to the right area.


Mammogram machine cost can vary depending on the type and features of the machine. 

Basic analogue or film-based mammography machine price usually ranges from around Rs. 15,00,000 to Rs. 25,00,000.

More advanced mammography equipment cost for a new digital mammography system typically falls between Rs. 40,00,000 to 1 CR.

The latest 3D tomosynthesis mammo machine provides detailed3D breast image, and this Mammogram machine cost can go up to 1.5 CR or even higher for top end models with advanced features.



It is an Indian company that makes medical equipment. It makes digital mammogram machine for breast cancer screening. The mammogram machine designed to be comfortable for patients while providing high quality breast images for doctors.


It is one of the leading brands for mammogram systems. It makes advanced digital mammography machines like Selenia dimensions and Veria 3D mammography system with tomosynthesis (3D imaging).

GE health care

GE’s mammogram machine includes the Senographe digital mammography line as well as the senoclaire 3D breast tomosynthesis system.

Siemens Healthineers

Siemens offers several mammography solutions, such as the MAMMOMAT inspiration and MAMMOMAT revelation systems for both 2D and 3D breast imaging.

Fuji film

Fujifilm mammo machine includes the Amulet innovality model for standard digital mammograms and the Amulet Innovality tomosynthesis system with 3D capabilities.


Q. What is a mammogram machine used for?

Ans. A mammogram machine is used to take detailed x-ray images of a woman’s breasts to check for signs of breast cancer or other abnormalities.

Q. Is a mammogram painful?

Ans. While getting breasts compressed by the machine it gets uncomfortable, it should not be extremely painful, Compression only lasts a few seconds for each image.

Q. How much radiation is used during a mammogram?

Ans. Mammogram use very low doses of radiation, just the same amount of radiation exposure you would get from natural sources over 7 weeks.

Q. How long does a mammogram take?

Ans. The entire mammogram appointment usually takes around 30 minutes.

Q. Are mammograms better at detecting cancer than self-exams?

Ans. Yes, mammograms can detect tumours long before they can be felt, which allows for earlier treatment when more options are available.

Q. Can mammogram results be incorrect?

Ans-Like any medical test, mammograms are not perfect. Additional testing may be needed if a questionable area is found.

Q. What happens if something abnormal is seen?

Ans. If an abnormality is detected, you may need additional mammogram views or an ultrasound before potentially needing a biopsy to collect tissue samples.