Ethicon Vicryl Plus Sutures USP 0, 1/2 Circle Round Body - VP 2346 - Box of 12

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Product ConditionNew Estimated Delivery5 to 7Days Installation Not Required Warranty Warranty not available BrandETHICON Absorption ProfileAbsorbable 56 - 70 Days (Average 63 Days) Needle Length40MM Suture DiameterUSP0 Suture Length90CM Suture MaterialPolyglactin 910 Suture Needle Type1/2 Circle Round Body Suture TypeBraided Suture ColourViolet
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- Needle Length: 40mm

- Suture Length: 90cm

- Colour: Violet

- Suture Type: Synthetic Braided

- Absorption Profile: Absorbable : 56 - 70 Days (Average 63 Days)

- Suture Diameter: USP 0

- Suture Material: Polyglactin 910

- Needle Description: 40mm, 1/2 Circle Round Body Needle

- Coating: IRGACARE MP - Triclosan (Anti bacterial)

- Tensile Strength: 75% retention at 14 days, 50% retention at 21 days, 25% retention at 28 days

- The coated Vicryl Plus Suture VP 2346 is indicated for use in general soft tissue approximation and/ or ligation, except for ophthalmic, cardiovascular and neurological tissues.

 It offers benefits in a range of surgical applications including:

- Predictable breaking strength retention (BSR) profile to provide support for 14 to 28 days while tissues heal

- Provides protection against colonization of the suture by bacteria commonly associated with SSIs, including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE)

- Its multifilament design provides greater pliability than monofilament sutures and unsurpassed knot security


Estimated Delivery:
5 to 7Days
Warranty :
  • Warranty not available
Needle Length:
40 MM
Suture Diameter:
Suture Length:
90 CM
Suture Material:
Polyglactin 910
Suture Needle Type:
1/2 Circle Round Body
Suture Type:
Suture Colour:
  • Violet

Product Specifications

Product Name :
Ethicon Vicryl Plus Sutures USP 0, 1/2 Circle Round Body - VP 2346


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