CPR Manikin

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A CPR manikin is a fake human body model used for practising CPR. It is a human-sized dummy made of plastic or other materials. This manikin looks like a person with a head, chest and limbs.

The chest of the manikin can be pressed down, allowing people to practice doing chest compressions during CPR training.

Some manikins also have a mouth area where people can practice giving rescue breaths. CPR manikins may have lights or sound also, which help the learner to know if they are doing the compression and breathes correctly.

Manikins are in different sizes made for adults, children’s and infants, so people can learn CPR for all ages. In these manikins, people safely practice CPR skills as may times as needed until they are comfortable performing it on a real patient during emergencies.


Adult Manikins

These are full sized manikins which look like the body of a grown person. It allows practice CPR techniques for adults.

Child Manikins

It is smaller sized to represent a child's body, used to learn how to perform CPR on children.

Infant Manikins

These are tiny manikins just like a baby’s body, it helps CPR practice specific for infants.

Basic Manikins

It is the simplest manikin, just with a head and torso to practice chest compression and breaths. They don’t have other features.

Advanced Manikins

These have additional features like lights that turn on if compression is too shallow. Some can even simulate breathing.

Reusable Manikins

It is made from sturdy plastic; these can be used many times by wiping it after use.

Disposable Manikins

These are cheaper one -time use manikins made from soft material.


Realistic body form – It is designed to look and feel like a real human body. They have head, chest and limbs made of plastic or similar material.

Chest compression pad – Manikins chest has a firm pad or sensor that can be pressed down to practice chest compressions during CPR.

Airway System – Many manikins have a mouth and throat area that can open while practising rescue breath.

Feedback devices-Advancedmanikins have lights and sound that alert if compression is too shallow or breaths are not given correctly.

Electronic Monitoring – Some high-tech manikins actually monitor and display the depth rate and quality of the compression being performed.

Different Sizes – Manikins comes in different sizes i.e. Adults, children and infant.

Removable Parts – Manikins have replaceable components like lungs, masks or compression pads that can be change if needed.

Durable construction – Most manikins are built to be durable and withstand with repeated CPR session over many years.


  • CPR manikins are life-sized models that look like human bodies. It is used for practising CPR.
  • CPR manikins allow people to practice the proper technique for CPR safely, without working on a real person. By using manikins, students learn how to give chest compressions and rescue breaths correctly.
  • These manikins have special sensors that can tell if the chest compression is doing at the right depth. Some make clicking sounds to guide the timing of compressions.
  • Manikins are very helpful for training people like doctor, nurse, paramedics, lifeguards and anyone who may need to perform CPR in an emergency situation.


  • CPR manikins allow safe practice. From manikin’s people learn CPR skills without hurting a real person.
  • Manikins also give feedbacks. A special sensor tells if chest compression is deep enough and at the right speed. This feedback helps learners to improve.
  • Manikins look realistic, just like human bodies, it allows practising and feels close to a real situation.
  • Build muscle memory, Hands on practice with a manikin help the CPR movement become natural motions that stick in mind and muscles.
  • It is convenient for group training. Multiple students can take practice on manikins.
  • It is cost-effective and does not need paid volunteers for CPR drills. Manikins are reused for years of training.
  • It builds confidence, practising all steps on realistic manikins to feel prepared and confident to assist in a real emergency.


Hands on practice

CPR manikins allows trainees to practice CPR skills, as these Manikins are designed to simulate the human’s body’s anatomy and provide feedback on depth rate and proper hand positioning for effective chest compression.

Skill Acquisition

Practising on manikins, trainees can develop muscle memory and confidence in performing CPR techniques correctly.

Realistic training environment

Many CPR manikins are designed to mimic human physiology, including features like chest that rises and falls with ventilations and the ability to simulate various scenarios, such as airway obstruction or different patient positions.

Feedback and evaluation

Some advanced CPR manikins have feedback mechanisms, such as lights, audible prompts or data recording capabilities to help the instructor to evaluate and provide real time feedback on the quality of CPR performed by trainees.


Cleaning Manikins

  • Manikins must be cleaned after each use.
  • Use a disinfectant cleaner approved by manufacturer.
  • Wash or replace lungs bags regular.
  • Manikins with removable faces take the mask off and clean separately.

Inspecting Manikins

  • Check manikins before and after each use.
  • Look for cracks and tear
  • Make sure compression springs work well
  • Check that the airway system is not blocked.

Proper storage

  • Manikin should be stored in a clean and dry place.
  • Avoid storing in hot or cold temperature.
  • Use a manikin carrying case for transportation.

Regular maintenance

  • Change out old or worn lung bags as recommended.
  • Lubricant any moving parts with approved lubricant.
  • Check batteries in manikins with electronic sensors.


Chest Compression

  • Manikin chest is made of a compressible material, often with a spring or resistance mechanism.
  • When chest compression is done correctly, then manikin’s chest depresses to specific depth, simulating the compression of a human chest during CPR.
  • Some manikins have sensor or light to provide feedback

Airway and ventilation system

  • Manikin has realistic head, mouth and airway structure.
  • When rescues breaths performed air is directed into the manikin’s lungs, causing the chest to rise and fall.
  • Some manikins have a lung bag or other mechanisms which simulate the volume of air required for proper ventilation.

Feedback and evaluation

  • Advanced manikins provide various feedback mechanisms.
  • Lights or audible prompts that indicate correct or incorrect technique.
  • Sensor measure compression depth, rate and ventilation volume.
  • Data recording capabilities that allow instructor to review and evaluate a trainee’s performance.

Scenario simulation

  • Some manikins can simulate various scenarios, such as airway obstruction or different patient position.
  • It allows trainee to practice CPR in realistic situation and learn how to adapt their techniques accordingly.

Durability and maintenance

  • CPR manikins are designed to withstand repeated compressions and ventilation during training sessions.
  • It has removable or washable components for easy maintenance and cleaning.
  • Regular maintenance, help ensure manikins longevity and accurate simulation.


Exact price of manikins depends on the brand, model and features.

Basic CPR manikin price can start from around Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000. These simple manikins allow you to practice chest compressions.

For more advanced CPR manikin with extra features, cost goes up. Manikins who are used for rescue breaths can cost between Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 15,000.

Most high-tech CPR manikins with computer feedback and monitoring system can cost Rs. 25,000. It provides detailed data of compression and breathing.



It is one of the main known brands for CPR manikins. It offers a wide range of manikins, from basic models to high -fidelity simulation manikins. Some of their popular CPR manikins are the little Anne and rescue baby.


It is another major brand in CPR manikins and training aids. Its manikin includes the prestan professional adult manikin, prestan infant manikin and prestan ultralite manikin.


It manufactures affordable and durable manikins for CPR training. Its basic models CPARLENE and the Adult patrol manikin are most popular.


It offers a variety of manikins for different training needs, Including the CPR Adult/child manikins and the CPR baby manikin.


It is known for their innovative and high-fidelity simulation manikins. Its r manikin models include the hal, omni and trauma manikins


It is a brand by company Ambu, it makes manikins specifically designed for realistic airway management training during CPR.


Q. How often should CPR manikins be replaced?

Ans. Most manufactures recommend replacing manikins every 3–5 years with normal use. The life of a manikin depends on how frequently it is used.

Q. How do you clean and disinfect CPR manikins?

Ans. Manikins should be clean after each use withdisinfectant solution approved by the manufacturers. Lungs bad and face masks may need more frequent cleaning.

Q. Can a CPR manikin be used for real rescue breath?

Ans – No, never give real rescue breath into a manikin as it can cause disease. Manikins are specially designed airway system and face masks/shield.

Q. Do CPR manikins come in different sizes?

Ans. Yes, it is available in different sizes i.e. Adult, child and infant.

Q. How realistic are CPR manikins?

Ans. Modern manikins are designed to be very realistic with accurate anatomy, weight and some even simulate breathing and pulse.

Q. Do I need special training to use CPR manikins?

Ans-Basic manikin operation, instructor or staff can be trained through the manufacturer's resources. For advanced, manikins need specialized training.