
Semi Auto AnalyserProducts found: 11

Description of semi Auto Analyzers:

A semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer or semi-auto analyzer is a medical laboratory device that is designed to perform routine biochemistry tests in a more efficient and automated way. The device is considered semi-automatic because it requires manual intervention at certain points in the process.

Benefits of Semi Automatic Biochemistry Analyzers:

  1. Time-Saving: Semi-auto analyzers automate routine laboratory tests, reducing the amount of time and effort required for manual testing. This increases the efficiency of laboratory operations, allowing medical personnel to focus on more complex tests.
  2. Cost-Effective: Semi-auto analyzers are less expensive than fully automatic analyzers. They are an ideal option for smaller laboratories or clinics that require automated testing but have limited budgets.
  3. Accuracy: Semi-auto analyzers are capable of providing accurate results, which are comparable to those obtained from fully automatic analyzers. This makes them a reliable tool in the medical laboratory.

Uses of Semi-Automatic Biochemistry Analyzers:

  1. Clinical Chemistry Tests: Semi-auto analyzers are used for routine clinical chemistry tests such as liver function tests, kidney function tests, and lipid profile tests.
  2. Diabetes Management: Semi-auto analyzers are used for monitoring glucose levels in diabetic patients. This helps in the management of diabetes.
  3. Drug Monitoring: Semi-auto analyzers are used for drug monitoring by measuring the concentration of drugs in the blood.
  4. Hematology: Semi-auto analyzers are used for routine hematology tests such as complete blood count (CBC).

Best semi Auto Analyser:

When it comes to semi-automatic biochemistry analyzers, there are several top-quality models available in the market. Here are some of the best semi-automatic biochemistry analyzers that you can consider:

  1. Mindray BA-88A: The Mindray BA-88A is a high-performance semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer that is designed for small to medium-sized laboratories. It has a user-friendly interface, automated features, and a compact design. 
  2. Erba Chem 5x: The Erba Chem 5x is a compact and versatile semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer that is designed for small to medium-sized laboratories. It has a user-friendly interface, automated features, and a small footprint.
  3. Accurex AT-112: The Accurex AT-112 is a reliable and easy-to-use semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer that is designed for small laboratories. It has a user-friendly interface, automated features, and a compact design.
  4. RMS Analytica 705: The RMS Analytica 705 is a versatile and easy-to-use semi-automatic biochemistry analyzer that is designed for small to medium-sized laboratories. It has a user-friendly interface, automated features, and a compact design.

Semi Auto Analyser price:

Semi Auto AnalyserPrice Range
Mindray BA-88A₹82K - ₹1.60 Lakh.
Erba Chem 5x:₹82K to ₹1.60 Lakh
Accurex AT-112₹1.26 Lakh - ₹2 Lakh
RMS Analytica 705₹89K to ₹1 Lakh
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Product Dimension (mm)362 x 364 x 195 Product Weight6Kg
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Erba Chem 5x Biochemistry Analyzer, Semi Automatic
Save 11%
95,000.00 85,000.00
Product Weight12Kg
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Product Weight7Kg
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Product Dimension (mm)250 mm(W) x 290 mm(D) x 415 mm(H) Product Weight11Kg
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Product Dimension (mm)245 (W) mm x 273 (D) mm x 299 (H) mm Product Weight10Kg
Mindray BA 88A Chemistry Analyzer, Semi Auto
Save 33%
165,000.00 110,000.00
Product Dimension (mm)430mm x 360mm x 170mm ( L x W x H ) Product Weight6.8Kg
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Product Dimension (mm)420(W) x 310(0)x150 (H) mm Product Weight8Kg
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Product Weight10kgKg
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Product Dimension (mm)350mm (W) × 390nm (L) × 184mm (H)​ Product Weight6Kg Screen Size 7Inch
Screen Size