B Braun Perifix ONE Paediatric Epidural Set

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Country of Origin (COO)Germany Product ConditionNew Estimated Delivery5 To 7Days BrandB Braun

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- The B Braun Perifix One Paediatric Epidural Set comes with a Loss of Resistance (LOR) Syringe.

- For safe catheter insertion and position control, the catheter comes with practise-related distance markings for paediatric use

The epidural set contains 7 items;

- Perican Epidural Needle

- Tuohy Bevel

- 0.5 cm Length Marking

- Transparent Hub with Wings

- Stylet, Color Coded

- Perifix ONE Catheter

- Material: Polyamide / Polyurethane

- Length: 720 mm (24G)/1000 mm (20G)

- 3 Pairs of Micro-holes

- Special Catheter Graduation from 20 mm to 200 mm

- Threading Assist Guide

- Perifix Catheter Connector

- Snap Catheter Connector

- Perifix Epidural-filter, 0.2 µm

- Filling Volume 0.45 ml

- Pressure Resistant up to 7 bar

- Perifix PinPad

- Filter Fixation for Perifix 0.2 µm Filters

- Self-adhesive


- Perifix Loss-of-Resistance Syringe (LOR), Latex-free

- Luer Slip

- Omnifix Luer Lock Syringe

- 2 ml


Estimated Delivery:
5 To 7Days


B Braun
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